Reiki, Healing Touch & NLP

Reiki Sessions

Nurture your entire being! A Reiki session utilizes a Japanese technique to reduce stress and promotes relaxation that heals. This enables your life force energy to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Healing Touch Sessions

Healing Touch is an energy therapy modality accredited by the (ANCC) American Nurses Credentialing Center. The modality uses their hands over your clothes, in a heart-centered intention to use healing frequencies to promote better health.”Chakra Balancing”

Intuitive Sessions

This session is individualized to include Neuro-linguistic programming, Reiki, Healing Touch, and Intuitive Healing, following the positive harmony and universal principles.
Apply the knowledge, wisdom and practical techniques to create your own healing miracles and to help others.

Be "Soul Sentient"

Learn to utilize all your senses to heal oneself and others. Master the Universal Principles and become responsible and proficient in creating your future